Monday, 2 January 2012

Just Giving pages now live and first mini update

I've set up my Just Giving 'team' page now at from here you can donate to either Asthma UK or Sue Ryder Care.

If you want to join me in my 1000 mile challenge you can join the Just Giving 'Team' page - let me know and I'll add you!

A first mini update and a taste of what's to come with this blog - if I manage to keep it up!

On New Years eve I managed to complete the Auld Lang Syne Fell race. This is one of a number of local fell races organised every year by the truly brilliant Dave and Eileen Woodhead - have a look at what they do here I've marshalled many of Dave's races over the years and am very accustomed to standing at gates and path junctions to show the way, count them through, count them back and generally cheer a bit of encouragement along the way. I always said I'd never do it! So after 6.5 miles and 900ft of very wet moorland, drizzle that soaks through everything and a driving wind on the tops that chills to the bone I crossed the finish line - 373rd out of 393 finishers in 85 minutes 23 seconds - a result I am very happy with. A special thanks to Caren who I ran with for most of it as she provided much needed boosts of motivation to keep me going.

New Years Day and my legs were a little sore but The Giants Tooth beckoned - a short and fast little 3 mile race around Ogden Reservoir. This is another race that I've stood at the edge of for a few years, cheering Simon and other friends on, always wondering why on earth anyone would willingly don shorts and vest in the wind and rain.  It was far too fast for me but I did finish in a respectable (for me) time of 32 minutes 35 seconds, 116 / 121.

The real test will be repeating these two races in 12 months time at the end of this challenge!

This week will see a couple of runs on the local moor with Blue, our 6stone Rottweiler Alsation cross Dog, and an evening run in London on my weekly stay down there for work. Next weekend, all being well, I'll have a go at the Ovenden Moor fell race - 8miles(ish) and 1200ft around Ogden and Ovenden moors.

Pictures to come!

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