Monday, 7 May 2012

Illness to Lakeland Wonders

Miles to date - 375 
Weeks of feeling poorly and sorry for self - 2 
Races missed since last blog - 1
Races run since last blog - 2

Bunny run madness
The wonderful Dave and Eileen organise a series of runs around Easter time every year - the Bunny Runs, short, sharp and great fun - have a look at their website - WoodenTops - to find out all about them. Many years ago in a previous attempt to run (lasted a few months and then the fags came back) I had a go at one of these. It snowed, I froze and mostly hated it! This year there was only one I could manage as Tuesday nights tend to find me down in London. My boy and the Husband always try and do all of them. At 3 miles and 300ft they are really too short and fast for me but in for a penny in for a pound. This time I completely loved it! I know the route and the moor well so was happy to try and push myself a bit more than I would usually and managed finish in 29 minutes. Very happy with myself. 

So, I felt I was running really strongly (for me), feeling great, had upped the weekly mileage to around 30 or so miles and then the lurgy struck. I got home from the usual two days in London and went to bed on the Wednesday night. Got up on Friday. Felt shocking. I really can't remember feeling that poorly in a long time. This was of course the days running up to the Anniversary Waltz which I have bleated on and on about running I was very excited having been up there the week before and seen the sheer beauty and scale. Needless to say, in spite of naive bravery on the Friday night - stocking up on medication, getting all my kit sorted and convincing myself I would be fine with sleep, ibuprofen, paramol and some sinus relief - I woke with tonsils like razor covered golf balls and a temperature a roast chicken would be proud of. A few tears shed, duvet on the sofa and the day was spent watching the London Marathon and dozing away. 

This spell of poorliness has meant I've had nearly two weeks with no running. Awful. Hated it. Managed to convince myself that I'd never get out and run again. Very tentatively I stepped out on the following Sunday for an attempt round Blue's moor loops (Blue had been very patient during this self pity period but was starting to look at me as if I were his gaoler). Still snotty and coughing it felt absolutely fantastic to be out again. I followed this up on Monday in London managing 5.6miles in 47minutes - a PB for me as my fastest ever run! Perhaps a couple of weeks being a wuss had a refreshing effect on me? 

Coniston Fell Race - 9 miles, 4000ft climb (AM)
Having missed out on the Anniversary Waltz I was even keener to have a go at Coniston. I'd bought the map from Pete Bland at the Three Peaks Race, the Husband ran that in 4hours 27minutes with an attentive support crew providing pork pies and other fuel at the checkpoints - maybe next year for me? The Coniston race route looked amazing and I knew Caren was planning on doing it so I was hopeful I'd have someone to follow who knew the route and give me the confidence that she does manage to instil in me! 

After many text exchanges it became a reality that Caren wasn't running it! Neither it seemed was anyone else I knew. However, not to be deterred, we set off. A beautiful day, no rain, sun shining, sharp snap of cold to the air, we arrive in Coniston and I looked up. I've never really looked at Lakeland Mountains other than as a walker. I'd happily set off with a rucksac and boots and spend the day walking up anything. Lakeland Mountains are enormous and here was I contemplating 'running' up them in shorts and trainers. What a ridiculous idea! Over the two hours I had leading up to the start I talked myself in and out of doing it at least a dozen times. I was more scared than I think I can imagine. Oddly it was the sight of a fell ponies purple running vest that gave me the final push to be on the start line. At least I knew one other person who would be toiling away at the back! 

If you zoom in I'm about 7th from the back!
Off we set, uphill, to run uphill and then a bit more uphill. This picture was only half a mile from the start and the uphill continued for quite some more miles. Actually the majority of the miles were uphill, interspersed with some shortish downhills and a single stretch of 'runnable' flat! 

Once I got into a groove the uphill grind became quite hypnotic. The pain and burn in my legs, my lungs constantly at bursting point but the rhythm and beat of maintaining a steady pace, not stopping, head down, arse up, I really dug in! Checkpoint one at Wetherlam finally appeared (thanks marshalls for being there, so positive and encouraging) and the land levelled a little before another ascent up to Swirl How. I was feeling great. I'd passed a few people and not lost sight of the back man in front of me. At Swirl How I was pointed in the right direction, encouraged hugely by two friends from Todmorden who were out supporting the race and enjoying the fells - thanks Cath and friend you gave me a massive boost. From Swirl How the route runs over to Brim Fell then curves left up the final pull to Coniston Old Man.   

I was seriously enjoying myself, pacing along, the scenery was totally awe inspiring. I could see for miles and miles across the most incredible landscape this country (the world?) has on offer. I'd dropped down and started another ascent. When the third walker asked me if there was a race on I stopped to ask if he'd not seen the other 400 runners passing him. When he replied in the negative the penny dropped that I'd managed to go a little bit wrong. Out came the map, for the first time, and we worked out that I was looking at Goats Water not Low Water. 

Obviously I wouldn't want to labour a point but, just to avoid confusion I though it worth annotating a copy of the Pete Bland race map I had thoughtfully purchased in advance of the race to show my detour. Personally I think the race overall might benefit from a route variation option (jk). I also think that the box marked 'optional route' could cause confusion for those runners who actually take the map out of their bum bag before losing lots of height and starting an additional ascent. On the bright side, the view of Goats Water was stunning and I gave a few walkers some additional entertainment they would otherwise have missed. Thanks for the picture of Dow Crag from SportSunday - a nice reminder of my detour! 

Simply to show height gained and lost with my additions!

Once I got myself back on track, back down Dow Crag and up Coniston Old Man I was very definitely last. All the work I'd put in to stay ahead and keep going was lost. Rather strangely, I felt completely fine about it! I was having such an amazing time my only concern was that I hadn't unduly worried the Marshals at CP3. When I finally arrived at the top I was warmly greeted, given a bottle of water and completely reassured. They were wonderful. Obviously getting lost / going the wrong way was entirely my own daft fault - lesson very well learned for the future - but they were all completely brilliant. So I'm now last and still have to run off down the last few miles to the finish. My bonus ball for the race was the huge privilege of being offered the company of the sweepers for the descent. Not only had I been an ass, worried everyone and made them stand around waiting but I was then rewarded for my error by having the company of two mountain goats - Mike and Hazel what fantastic people you really are - to run off with. The map marks the 'safe' race line and an alternative for those who know the fell. Off we went across a route I would never have dreamt of running on my own. It was completely brilliant. Half way down we spotted the back runner! Thanks to Mike and Hazel's pace and their intimate knowledge of the land I found myself overtaking the back two runners to arrive at the finish completely exhausted and exhilarated. I think I was about 2hours 50minutes. Without my detour I think I would have been 2:25ish - I'll see when the results are posted! 

I have no words left to describe how this race made me feel. I'll be back in the Lakes again soon! 

A final word on sponsors - an enormous thank you to Adrian not only for the very generous donation but also for the huge support and kind words. 


  1. Great blog Livi. I look forward to reading more

    all the best
    sbrt ex smoker, fell plodder who runs with a dog

  2. Really enjoyed this journey Livi, feels like I got lost with you. Makes me want to get out onto your Moors and leave my boring London pavements behind. Can't wait to accompany you on your further adventures :-)
